We attach great importance to the fact that all developments and the production of the relevant components take place in-house. This enables us to manage and control the entire cycle from brainstorming and development to the finished product. Important aspects in the application such as practical design and intuitive operation are our focus and ensure that our customers can quickly and easily achieve a tangible benefit with our products.
Presentation of the new SK4.10 and SK5.12 device series
Acquisition of the company shares by the Marposs Group..
Extension of MES by PTO 4.0 (process data documentation).
Extension of MES by energy management
Installation of the 15,000th machine terminal
25th company anniversary
First trade fair participation in China
Start of the SK 200 - SK 800 series
New construction of the technology centre in Weingarten
Connection of the MES software SK-go! to CAQ systems
Construction of the 2,000th monitoring terminal of the successful SK 5 series
Move into the new building of the branch in Hilden, Siemensstrasse 21
Installation of the first PDC system (MES)
First monitoring terminal from our own production (model SK 5)
Expansion of our own development department and production
Move into the new building at the headquarters in Weingarten, Herknerstrasse 4
First trade fair participation in Japan at the WIRE in Tokyo
Start on the US market and first trade fair participation in Chicago
First trade fair participation at the WIRE in Düsseldorf
First monitoring system with envelope technology (model SK/3)
Foundation of the automation group in cooperation with the companies Böhme & Weihs (CAQ) and Brauckmann Elektronik (PDC)
Foundation as a technical trading company
We are represented in many industries and are often considered as market leader. Usually we have been cooperating with our customers for decades, in a trusting and often also amicable manner. The following references provide a brief insight.
Mit Know-how, technologischer Kompetenz und Leidenschaft schaffen wir hochwertige Lösungen für unsere Kunden. Dabei stehen höchster Qualitätsstandard und hundertprozentige Qualitätssicherung an erster Stelle. Genauso wichtig ist uns aber auch der partnerschaftliche Umgang mit der Kundschaft. Für unseren guten Service werden wir ebenso gelobt wie für unsere Produkte. Sie sind ein wichtiger Teil der Wertschöpfungskette. Garantiert wird dies durch über xxx Fachkräfte, die als Team zum Problemlöser unserer Kunden werden. Unser Denken ist von klaren Prinzipien geprägt: Präzision und Perfektion, eine faire und zuverlässige Partnerschaft und funktionierende Technik mit Teamwork-Charakter. Mit schwer + kopka werden aus Herausforderungen optimale Lösungen.