Schwer und Kopka GmbH - effiziente Prozess- und  Werkzeugüberwachung Ihrer Produktionsmaschinen

The Institute for Forming Technology GmbH (IFU) in Lüdenscheid is a commercial institute supported by companies in the field of forming technology. The institute's main customers are companies in the sectors of cold and sheet metal forming. The work of IFU is divided into the following areas:

  • Material technology and laboratory
  • Organisation and Management
  • Seminars and in-house training
  • Operation of the AZ training centre

The AZ Training Center of IFU is a unique facility in Germany for the qualification of employees and machine operators on cold forming presses and thread rolling machines for the fastener industry. Most of the machines used for training are equipped with modern process monitoring systems from schwer + kopka.

We regularly give specialist lectures as part of the IFU seminar programme. In the training centre we educate the apprentices in the use of the systems for process monitoring.

Since 1994 we are members of the

  • Trägergesellschaft Umforminstitut Lüdenscheid e.V. and the
  • Trägergesellschaft Ausbildungszentrum e.V.


Verschmelzung der Schwer + Kopka GmbH in die Dittel Messtechnik GmbH

Oktober 2023

Die Schwer+Kopka GmbH ist seit Oktober 2023 mit der Dittel Messtechnik GmbH mit Firmensitz in Landsberg am Lech verscholzen. Beide Firmen sind seit vielen Jahren Teil der internationalen MARPOSS Gruppe.  

Mit derzeit rund 100 Beschäftigten entwickelt und produziert DITTEL hauptsächlich Prozessüberwachungssysteme und Auswuchtsysteme für Werkzeugmaschinen. Die beiden Produktbereiche DITTEL und SK sind nun zentral am Standort in Landsberg am Lech. 

Lookup Blechexpo 2021


With the Blechexpo in Stuttgart from 26th-29th of october 2021, a trade fair in presence on site has taken place again for the first time after a long Covid break.

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Blechexpo 2021


For the first time in almost 2 years, Blechexpo will once again be an international trade fair. From 26-29.10.2021, the sheet metal forming industry will meet under strict hygiene conditions at the Stuttgart Trade Fair Center.

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New Vario-Sensor available


In the course of the continuous further development of our products, the sensor of type Superflex, which we have been using successfully for more than 20 years, has been fundamentally revised and the new "Sensor Vario KK" has been developed.

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years in business


customers world wide


monitors installed


machines networked


There's no better marketing than satisfied customers. Read a few case studies here.
