Schwer und Kopka GmbH - effiziente Prozess- und  Werkzeugüberwachung Ihrer Produktionsmaschinen

OEE indicators are also internationally used as a standard of comparison. The overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is calculated by multiplying the following percentages:

Availability: how long has the plant been in production and how long has it been inoperative? This figure usually corresponds to the classical degree of utilization and reflects the losses due to downtimes.

Performance efficiency: has the plant operated with the required output per unit of time?  Performance efficiency or performance level describes the losses caused by insufficient machine output or speed (parts per unit of time).

Quality rate: how large is the proportion of flawless products (quantity produced minus the reject rate during the period under consideration)?  It reflects the losses incurred by rejects.

Thus, the OEE factor is the main key figure as such. It contains all elements describing productivity or non-productivity of production plants.
